Concho Billie Trail

Concho Billie Trail

Latitude:  25.986517  /  Longitude: -81.262453
Total ratings: 1
Total ratings: 1

Concho Billy Trailhead to Monument Lake Campground

Concho Billy Trail to Monument Lake Campground - Photos

by:  BW Admin  (3/22/2014)

(click images to view full size)

concho billie trail start

Start of the Concho Billy trail


We left one vehicle at the endpoint and another at the start of the trail. The battery in this one was of course dead when we finished.

concho billie trail

We were always able to make it around the spots where the trail was under water by detouring through the trees, but the ground was muck so it was slow going.

concho billie trail

Hennessy hammocks at campsite

Concho Crunch_6

We came across a few spots where the trail turned into this. We cut through the trees along either side where the ground was dry, but it made for slow going doing that.

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The first section of the trail

Concho Crunch_14

This was the best water source we could find for the filter


We saw a decent sized gator that was sunning itself along the trail disappear into this hole, it was the only water anywhere near that area. Sure looks like a nice harmless place to stop and fill a water bottle...


GoLite Jam 50 got the job done


oh boy


Pondering murdering the trip organizer in his sleep


We saw these guys at almost every water source, careful where you step

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