Kayaking Wekiva Springs to Wekiva Island
Latitude: 28.712728 / Longitude: -81.459549
Difficulty: |
Total ratings: 1 |
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Total ratings: 1 |
The canoe trip from the ramp at Wekiva springs park to Wekiva Island is around a mile each way. This can be done in either direction, both places have canoes/kayaks for rent.
My kind of canoe trip - Photos
by: BW Admin (12/17/2015)
(click images to view full size)
Put in at Wekiwa Springs park
Lat.: 28.714385 / Long.: -81.451248
Lat.: 28.714460 / Long.: -81.450473
Lat.: 28.714460 / Long.: -81.450473
Lat.: 28.715041 / Long.: -81.449213
Lat.: 28.715340 / Long.: -81.447696
Rounding the turn to Wekiva Island
Lat.: 28.713725 / Long.: -81.445268
Kaboom! The eagle has landed
Lat.: 28.714444 / Long.: -81.443055
Lat.: 28.714444 / Long.: -81.443055
Some yahoo took it upon himself to inform us the 50/50 is the best sandwich in the greater Orlando area "bar none". Can't say as I'm willing to go that far, but it was tasty
Lat.: 28.714444 / Long.: -81.443055